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Now Available: SafeGraph UK Data

May 13, 2021
Stu Kendall

SafeGraph UK Data is Now Available

SafeGraph UK data provides points of interest and building footprints for England, Scotland, and Wales.
SafeGraph UK data is available in England, Scotland, and Wales.

We’re excited to announce that we’ve expanded our global footprint for Places data into the United Kingdom. Effective immediately, SafeGraph now offers the Core Places and Geometry datasets for over 1.3M places in the UK, covering over 500 brands.

“Our expansion into the United Kingdom is a huge win for our organization’s ability to provide value to our current customers who have a global footprint, as well as future customers who have been asking for this data for the last year or so.” - Lauren Spiegel, VP of Product, SafeGraph

Over the last few months, we’ve teased the announcement with many prospects and have had an overwhelming amount of interest. In particular, Core Places and Geometry data are often used to help boost advertising effectiveness. Many brands, retailers, and advertising technology companies that do business in the UK have shown a large need for SafeGraph data as a critical ingredient in their campaign planning.

SafeGraph recently partnered with a well known location and audience targeting platform that is using SafeGraph UK data to improve their ability to create and see ROI on out-of-home advertising campaigns.

An executive from their revenue team said, “We're excited to work with SafeGraph to help boost our OOH campaign planning process in the UK. SafeGraph Core Places data is a critical ingredient to helping ensure we're accurately creating audiences and measuring the ROI on our campaigns effectively."

Outside of advertising, SafeGraph has seen a high volume of need for UK places data in mapping, real estate, consumer retail planning, and more. You can read about these common use cases here

SafeGraph’s partner network is also excited about the geographic expansion. CARTO, a global leader in location intelligence and spatial data science, works with many UK organizations who have been eagerly awaiting the UK launch of SafeGraph data.

“We’re thrilled that our partner SafeGraph will be launching in the UK. A growing number of our clients in real estate, retail, and CPG in the UK have asked for this in the past - so we’re excited to see how they start using the data to navigate the new normal we’re seeing on the UK high street and shopping centers.” - Florence Broderick, VP Marketing, CARTO

What’s in SafeGraph UK Data?

Both the Core Places and Geometry datasets are now available in England, Scotland, and Wales. 

SafeGraph Core Places for the UK represents 1.3M points of interest (POI) and covers base information such as location name, address, category, and brand association. 

SafeGraph UK data provides POI data in England, Scotland, and Wales.
View the entire schema for SafeGraph Places here.

SafeGraph Geometry in the UK represents POI building footprints with spatial hierarchy metadata depicting where child polygons are contained by parents, or when two tenants share the same polygon, for all 1.3M points of interest found in Core Places.

SafeGraph UK data provides geometry and polygons for places in England, Scotland, and Wales.
View the entire schema for SafeGraph Places here.

To get started with SafeGraph UK data, contact our sales team.

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